Candle Care 101: How to Get the Most Out of Your Candles

Using candles in your home is a wonderful way to add warmth, atmosphere, and fragrance. But in order to work properly, they must be properly maintained and cared for, just like any other household item. The following advice will help you make the most of your candles:

Before Lighting:

  1. Trim the wick to ¼ inch using a wick trimmer, nail clippers, or scissors. This prevents uneven burning, dripping, or flaring.
  2. Ensure the wax pool is clear of wick trimmings, matches, and debris.
  3. Use a heat-resistant, sturdy candleholder designed specifically for candle use.
  4. Burn candles in a well-ventilated room and avoid drafts, air currents, or vents.
  5. It is recommended that candles do not burn for more than 4 hours and cool for at least 2 hours before relighting.
  6. Light the candle using long matches or a long-reach lighter, keeping hair and loose clothing away from the flame.

While Burning:

  1. Never leave a candle unattended.
  2. Keep the candle away from anything flammable such as furniture, drapes, books, paper, and decorations.
  3. Keep candles out of reach of children and pets.
  4. Do not touch or move a candle while it is burning, or the wax is melted.
  5. Do not burn a candle all the way down. Discontinue use when 1/2 inch remains in the container.
  6. Place burning candles at least three inches apart to prevent melting or creating drafts.
  7. Extinguish a candle if the flame becomes too high or flickers repeatedly. Allow it to cool, trim the wick, and check for unwanted drafts before relighting.
  8. Never use a candle as a night light or while you sleep.
  9. Exercise caution when using candles during a power outage.

When Extinguishing a Candle:

  1. Use a candle snuffer to safely extinguish the flame.
  2. Do not use water to extinguish the candle as it can cause hot wax to splatter and break the container.
  3. Make sure the candle is completely out and the wick ember is no longer glowing before leaving the room.
  4. Do not touch or move the candle until it has cooled.
  5. Do not use a knife or sharp object to remove wax drippings from a glass holder. 

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